
Dev Blog #7

Howdy BRM operators! This is Aurora / “Gravity_Defier” Our team has been hard at work on the Quests Update, the largest update to come to BRM since December. While things are still heavily in progress, we’re aiming to bring plenty of new content and hopefully provide a fix for the longstanding problem with stale gameplay in Operation Resurgence. This blogpost will hopefully be a taste of what’s to come and a more candid reveal of what goes on behind the scenes and why updates take so long to turn out. Programming Gnar, our lead programmer everyone should hopefully know about by now, has been hard at work on the crown jewel feature of this update - the friendly, interactable NPCs that players will be able to talk with to get quests and learn about the world and lore of BRM5. Quests will tie into the reputation system everyone’s been wondering about- some NPCs will only make themselves available to players with higher reputations. The goal of quests is to give players tasks with meaning,...

Update 6.0.9

General overview: 6.0.9 includes a completely redone village and mountain location. New enemy AI types such as the Smoker and Advanced Unit have also been introduced, they'll also take cover and be a lot smarter. Civilians can now be transported back to the FOB for money. We've also added lots of new weapons, attachments and a new vehicle. View full patch notes below. Patch notes: + New AI types and mechanics.    - AI will now duck for cover.    - Improved pathfinding.    - Better situational awareness (won't blind rush).    - Hostages will now follow you. Take them back to base for a large reward.    - New AI types (Smoker, Advanced Unit, RLF). + Revamped Village and Mountain Radar Station. + Added new weapons    - M17    - USP45 + Added Cougar MRAP + New Optics    - 6x MGO-M240  (Trijicon ACOG TA648MGO-M240)    - 4x LDS  (ELCAN Spectre OS4x)    - 4x SO MGS  (Zeiss ZO 4x30...

Dev Blog #6

(Nirnl) Greetings, I’m Nirnll, the Community Manager for Gameloaded Entertainment. Welcome to the 6th Development blog. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? A lot has happened since the last development blog, most notably the launch of Operation Resurgence, which set upon overhauling key features and the look & feel of the game. Moving forward, we have a lot of big changes we want to announce, to not only achieve our vision for BRM5, but to also become better connected with the community.  This year we are dedicated to bringing out more surveys that can help us retrieve user feedback as well as allow us to get to know the community better. Just last month, we opened a survey in which members were able to share valuable feedback and data to our team that has allowed us to gain insights to what to focus on for the game. Thus, expect more of these types of surveys to be put out in the future, and I encourage you to get involved if you would like to influence the development of BRM5. Fu...

Dev Blog #5

Hello! With 2020 wrapping up, it’s time to announce what we have planned for 2021. We have always envisioned BRM5 to be a tactical shooter game with in-depth customization for both weapons and gear. However, our gunsmith framework has become outdated since it’s introduction in October 2019. That’s why our first focus of 2021 is to complete a weapon overhaul. See below: Weapon Overhaul One of the biggest features we’re excited to announce is the ability to put multiple rail attachments on one gun. These attachments will then be linked with dynamically generated wires connecting them to a pressure pad or click switch. Other new features include sliding attachments anywhere along the rail, adjusting the stock length, putting camo on individual attachments and much more. This update will also come with a complete sound redesign and an animation overhaul for all weapons in order to bring a better gunplay experience. To accompany these changes, we are also focusing on new stat balances for a...

Dev Blog #4

Welcome to the fourth dev blog. Thank you to those who participated during the launch of Operation Viper. Although we had a rough launch, this operation has marked one of the biggest updates to BRM 5 with lots of brand new content and mechanics. We cannot wait to add further features to the foundations of Operation Viper and to deliver the true BRM 5 experience to all players.           (Thanks xLususNaturae for this screenshot) Content Creators  Firstly, we would like to give a shout out to our community content creators who have made some great content that covers many aspects of the game. These content creators have stood out to us as they have actively engaged and contributed to the BRM 5 community in many good ways.   If you haven’t already, please show your support and check out their YouTube channels for some new exciting content in the future! MikeJTL: MikeJTL's channel features...

Dev Blog #3

Welcome to the third dev blog for the next operation, which is set to launch in late July 2020. Although we have been quiet since our last Dev Blog a month ago, we have been hard at work developing new content and features in preparation for the next operation. So we are now pleased to give you guys a progress update on the main highlights of some of the things we’ve been working on in the past month. Enemy Stronghold/Fortress (North Island) Lead Artist and Map Designer, PandaWithNoName, has been well at work with planning and creating the enemy stronghold that will be located on the North Island. For those who are curious, this base used to belong to Russian forces who previously occupied the island. After an invasion by the PoD, the base was captured and with their many resources, the base was fortified with additional defences. Unlike all other outposts, the enemies will be showing no mercy when defending the outpost from players. Do not expect to come out alive even when attacking ...

Dev Blog #2

With development for the next operation well underway, many of the new features are nearing their final form before release. One such feature is the new radial TAB menu. This new menu replaces the current "MEDICAL" menu that pops up when pressing TAB. The new wheel contains three separate sections: medical (bottom), gestures (right) and squad (left). The new TAB menu is hold sensitive meaning that when you push down on TAB it opens and when you release it closes. This may seem tedious but it grows on you fast.  Squad Menu The brand new squad menu features a range of nifty functions to improve gameplay with friends and random players in public servers. Squad Selection Along the top left are five colours. Clicking on a colour will assign you to that squad. Anyone else in that squad can now see your location from anywhere on the map and vice-versa. Yes, that means that anyone on the server can join your squad. This may deter some people from this feature but it should be noted t...