Dev Blog #7
Howdy BRM operators! This is Aurora / “Gravity_Defier” Our team has been hard at work on the Quests Update, the largest update to come to BRM since December. While things are still heavily in progress, we’re aiming to bring plenty of new content and hopefully provide a fix for the longstanding problem with stale gameplay in Operation Resurgence. This blogpost will hopefully be a taste of what’s to come and a more candid reveal of what goes on behind the scenes and why updates take so long to turn out. Programming Gnar, our lead programmer everyone should hopefully know about by now, has been hard at work on the crown jewel feature of this update - the friendly, interactable NPCs that players will be able to talk with to get quests and learn about the world and lore of BRM5. Quests will tie into the reputation system everyone’s been wondering about- some NPCs will only make themselves available to players with higher reputations. The goal of quests is to give players tasks with meaning,...