Dev Blog #4

Welcome to the fourth dev blog. Thank you to those who participated during the launch of Operation Viper. Although we had a rough launch, this operation has marked one of the biggest updates to BRM 5 with lots of brand new content and mechanics. We cannot wait to add further features to the foundations of Operation Viper and to deliver the true BRM 5 experience to all players.

        (Thanks xLususNaturae for this screenshot)

Content Creators 

Firstly, we would like to give a shout out to our community content creators who have made some great content that covers many aspects of the game. These content creators have stood out to us as they have actively engaged and contributed to the BRM 5 community in many good ways.  

If you haven’t already, please show your support and check out their YouTube channels for some new exciting content in the future!


MikeJTL's channel features PVP gameplay streams and videos. You can find farming tutorials, weapon reviews, quick update coverages, as well as multiple playing sessions with the community in Open World.

Kitgat’s Channel :

Kitgat’s channel provides informative videos that seek to demonstrate the full potential of BRM 5. Content philosophy revolves around relevance and authenticity, delivered in a manner that is easy to understand so that viewers spend less time watching and more time playing.


RhinoRoblox’s channel delivers cinematic videos that fully explore the beauty of BRM 5. You will find entertaining cinema videos which provide lots of useful information for the BRM 5 community. 

New Uniforms

PLATINUM FIVE would like to introduce our new uniform designer JoeyAlcatraz to the contractors team. With Joey taking over the uniforms, we are thrilled to be adding new uniforms that the community has been suggesting in the upcoming weeks of Operation Viper. Some of his uniforms already in-game are:

  • Marine Raiders

  • Mexican GAFE

  • French Foreign Legion

  • Filipino SRR

  • Generic PMC2

New Roadmap

Just a note before we go on, there will be no Week 3 update (other than a few bug fixes). Obviously we would love to update this game 24/7 but to ensure the mental well-being of all developers, we have decided to take a break this weekend. This also gives us time to reorganize and make sure we are producing quality content.

I (AdministratorGnar) have decided to delay this feature to Week 4. While, for the most part, it's ready to be released, after testing it in it's current version, I've decided that it does not live up to what I originally promised. I want to take a week to polish it and add anything I left out due to original time constraints with Operation Viper.

Flight Update
This is aimed to be released with Week 5. This will include the new A-10 model, the return of the copilot cameras, better cockpit details and better rappelling. But be warned, the enemies are getting an upgrade too.

Private Server Settings
Friendly fire, disabling compounds, kick, ban. All these features are really close to release. Expect them sometime before Week 4.

Raid Mode
The next raid mode mission will most likely release Week 6, after the flight update. The reception of the first one was pretty positive and I think most people would be happy with more missions of the same quality. However, we want to exceed expectations. The next mission will be longer, better planned and more cinematic. This is a large project that requires a lot of coordination between all developers.

Hornet's Nest
Although it is probably the hardest compound in-game right now, it's no where near as hard as we want it. Expect the base to live up to it's name as the "Hornet's Nest" in the Week 5 flight update.

We are committed to keeping PvP hacker free and fair for all players. To do this, we recently granted greater moderating power to PLATINUM FIVE staff. Over the coming days you will see new ways to report players as well as new systems to ensure legit players are paired with other legit players.

We are also constantly fixing map glitches and improving performance of maps where possible.

Wrapping Up

Thanks for reading: just a short blog post this time as we are all hard at work right now.
Make sure to check out those content creators and stay tuned for Week 4.

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